Saturday 9 April 2016

the first chapter extract

so...the first chapter...just a bit of it...the first extract...unedited for now...there's more to follow...

Chapter 1

I am sitting alone in the car, by the side of the river. It is night time. I look at my watch to check the time. The clock on the dashboard isn’t working. Actually it is working. It’s just that it’s set to the wrong time and has been for as long as I can remember. I’m not sure if I know how to reset it. Or I can’t be bothered messing around. There is a certain comfort in knowing that it is completely wrong. 

It seems to jump to a different time every time I start the engine, suddenly leaping forwards ten minutes or so. I think that means that unlike a stopped watch, it’s probably not even correct twice a day. Maybe I’m wrong. Maybe it does give the right time twice a day. I shrug to myself. It doesn’t really matter I suppose.

I look at my watch. It is a little before 11.00 o’clock. I have a lot of time to spare. There is no need to make a move yet. I stare out of the windscreen and look at the lights from the opposite side reflecting on the water. It is really calm. There is not a breath of wind in the air. The river seems to be barely moving although I know it must be. The water is as flat as a sheet of glass, just swaying gently. It is like a black mirror. The only thing that I can see moving is a container ship slowly heading off to sea. I wonder where it’s going. Thousands of miles away. Another country.

Apart from the ship, nothing else is going on. There are no other cars parked on this grass verge. The road behind me is deathly quiet. The last time I heard anything driving past must have been a good twenty minutes or so ago. There’s a street light casting a pale and sick sodium yellow glow over the car. Both front windows of the car are fully wound down yet it’s still warm. It’s been like this all day; clammy and waiting for a thunderstorm to arrive, for the weather to finally break.

I get out of the car and lean against the bonnet. My shirt is sticking to my back. I pull it away and try to waft some air around, but it’s no good. We really need some rain. I glance up to the sky. There are no clouds, just clear skies. At least that should make for a clear flight. I can’t see any planes in the sky even though I’m only a mile or so away from the airport. There are no winking red lights, nor that distant low hum. I’ve not heard any planes land or take off since I’ve been waiting. It’s a Wednesday night however and it is late. Maybe it’s just a quiet night at the airport. I think that her flight is the last one landing tonight.

There’s an hour or so before I need to be at the gate.

I open the car door, lean inside and rummage around for my cup of coffee. I lean back on the bonnet and take a sip. I’ve had it in the car for the last hour or so and not touched it. It seemed too hot to drink coffee and it is probably still is, but it’s something to do while I’m waiting. The coffee has cooled down a bit, but it’s not stone-cold and it’s still drinkable.

I should feel nervous I suppose, after all this time, but I’m strangely relaxed. It’s an odd feeling. I don’t think that I’ve been this relaxed for a very long time. I shouldn’t be so calm about everything. After all, in the grand scheme of things all this is a fairly big step. I’m mulling all this over and realise that step is the wrong word. That implies things; like starting off on a road to somewhere, on a journey. That’s not really what I’m expecting or anticipating. This is not a journey. This is just a thing. An event. A significant event. There’s no doubt about that. I have no doubt. Possibly. 


Who knows? I certainly don’t. I shrug to myself and watch the container ship as it slowly slips down the river and towards the open sea.

I should be able to see plenty of stars above me. It’s a cloudless night, but I’m in a big city and even though there’s only one weak street light near the car, there are many other lights which make it impossible. The only thing I can see in the sky is the moon and one single bright star fairly near the horizon. I don’t think it’s a star however; isn’t that Venus? Or Mars? Something at the back of my mind makes me recall that those bright stars near the horizon are planets rather than stars. And something makes me think that if they are, then I can tell them apart because Mars should have a faintish red tinge to it. I can’t tell. I put on my glasses, but it makes no difference. It still looks the same. I could do with a pair of binoculars.

I wonder if she’s been able to see the stars. Under the same sky. I suppose that we are all under the same sky. I must remember to ask her. “Did you see the stars? Do you see the stars?” We must stand side by side and look to the heavens and try to see the stars together. There is a lot to do and a lot to catch up on. But the stars are important. We must put away some time to look for the stars.

Saturday 23 January 2016


 ...a stray fragment....chapter 4....

The square was coming into life. People were wandering around, getting shopping, meeting friends, squeezing cars into impossibly tight parking spaces, chatting. Sitting back with my coffee, I marvelled at it all. Nobody was still for more than a few minutes, but it wasn’t hurried and frenetic like it would have been back in England. There was none of the grimness, that tight-lipped determination, that sense of just trying to get through to the end of another day, another week. Time seemed to be different here.

I tried to read the book but nothing was going in. The words were swimming in front of me. I put it down on the table and looked at my watch once again. I’d nearly finished the coffee yet I’d only been there 10 minutes or so. I couldn’t really get another one so I took my time with the last lingering dregs. There was a constant thought rumbling through my mind. Don’t fuck this up. If she turns up then don’t fuck this up. Please God no. Don’t. Fuck. This. Up.

It would have been so easy to. There would be lots of ways I was sure. It was looking pessimistic; or rather I was feeling pessimistic. It was more likely than not that I’d say or do something stupid. It was what I did. But I didn’t really know why I was feeling like that; I should have been relaxed about it all.

Tuesday 19 January 2016

writing music/music writing

a list to write to...

always changing.

miles davis.

the fall.






so much music

sometimes silence. but music is always there.

this is what I listened to tonight.

good writing music.

good music to write to.

good music.

Monday 18 January 2016

first excerpt....

the first...

I don’t what will happen for me, either. I have an idea, a hope, some thoughts. But I’m not really sure what to expect.

There’s no-one else in the car park as I walk the few hundred yards to the arrival hall. A few people are standing outside, smoking and chatting. I walk past them and have to screw my eyes up. It’s so brightly-lit. All glass and shiny metal. Because I’ve been in the dark for the past couple of hours my eyes take a few minutes to adjust. I peer around for the arrivals board. I thought there’d be one suspended from the ceiling but I can’t see anything. I can make something out right at the other end of the hall however. My feet make an echoing sound on the floor as I walk towards it, past the closed car hire counters, an empty customer service hatch and the cafĂ© with just a few very bored people sitting at tables, flicking through their mobiles and drinking coffee out of paper cups. I hear my feet slapping ridiculously loudly. I feel as if I should be tip-toeing around. It is similar to walking through a very old church or a big cathedral and making too much noise.  

There is only one arrival shown on the board. No departures. It feels like an airport that’s just about to close down. The only arrival is her flight. On time. In half an hour or so. That’ll be about an hour maybe before her cases are unloaded, checks through customs, waits by the carousel for her bags and walks through the door. I wonder what she’s thinking? I wonder how she feels at this very moment? She’ll have probably just been told that the flight is on time and that she should fasten her seat belt, reading for landing. Maybe not now, maybe not half-an-hour before landing, but it won’t be long. In ten minutes or so.

I wonder if she’s thinking the same things that I am? I wonder if she knows what to expect or how things will turn out? I have a slight feeling, but no more than that, that she has more a clue than I do. She always was more attuned to things than I was, but after all this time? It’s hard to tell. I think that there should be a faint telepathy between us, even though I don’t really believe in all that sort of stuff. If I concentrate hard enough then maybe, while I’m standing in front of this electronic board showing her flight then I can make a connection. I look upwards to where I imagine the plane might be and close my eyes for a second.

There’s nothing. Or if there is then it’s simply in my imagination. I try again. I can picture her sitting on the plane, tidying things away, getting ready for the landing, looking out of the window, peering through the clouds, looking towards the ground, trying to make what just might be familiar landmarks that she’s not seen for a very long time. I can see her running her hands through her hair. Is this just guessing at what everybody does at the end of a flight or is it something else? It all feels very real. Very stark and matter-of-fact. It’s not like a dream; I can see colours, vivid colours. I hear her say my name, very quietly. It’s almost a whisper. Almost. It’s slightly louder than a whisper. I only hear it once. Yet it’s very clear. It’s not a whisper in my ear though. It’s right in my head. Right here and right now. I’m sure I’m not imagining it. I can hear her and it’s very real. All this happens in the brief moment I shut my eyes. I can see her sitting on the plane, yet I can hear her. I turn around, half expecting, no, fully expecting, her to be standing beside me, right next to me. But she’s not here. I am standing all alone in a vast arrival hall, standing alone and staring upwards at a black screen.

Sunday 17 January 2016 progress...

it's time for a new book.

this time, something different.

this year, something different.

after five non-fiction books, it's time for a change.

fiction. a made-up (sort of) story.

a tale of... what? time/memory/loss/music.

there's always music.

the music of words.

and words of music.

there's already 30k or so words written, hanging around on my laptop, just waiting.

there's a lot more to do.

a whole lot more.

but in the meantime...

there'll be some bits of it on here.

...every now and again...

it'll be unedited and unpolished. excerpts that probably/possibly won't make it through to the end.

there might be some other stuff; I'm just not sure yet how it'll all pan out.

watch this space...

first extract coming soon.

Saturday 16 January 2016

words of expectation...the start of it all...

so. this is the start of it all.

a new blog.

a new start.

something different.

the new book.

it's going to take a while...